After a couple of weeks with Grendel, I need a bit of a break. So, enter our friendly neighborhood Spider-man to tangle with the villain called the Thousand.
This issue opens with a man sitting in a diner, sulking. He's obsessing over Spider-man, who is fighting the Rhino outside. Spidey cracks some jokes, hits Rhino with an armored car, and generally saves the day.
But who is this man in the diner? And how does he know that Spider-man is really Peter Parker.
Pete tries to do some laundry and fails.
In a flashback, our mystery man bets up on a young Peter Parker.
Pete tries to sell some pictures and fails. Miss Patton (a feature's editor, I guess) takes Pete's picture and we cut to the evening. The Bugle is empty - except for Miss Patton. Our mystery man shows up and attacks Miss Patton. The last page of the issue shows the mystery man's skin hanging in a closet like a wrinkled suit and Miss Patton strutting out of the building.
First, let me say one thing: do not judge this book by its hideous cover. The interior art is head and shoulders above the cover. It's got a clean feel to it, polished and refreshing. The fight scene at the beginning with the Rhino is a joy to read. I'm kind of a novice reader of Spider-man, but this is the beginning of a good 3 part story that is just that: a story - complete with a beginning, middle and end. Tomorrow - the middle chapter of the Thousand.
Until then - happy reading.
Credits: Written by - Garth Ennis
Art by - John McCrea, James Hodgkins,
and Steve Buccellato
Slipping away from the Seto Thargo
It was nice while it lasted. A few years ago, I achieved a life-long goal
of collecting every single issue of 2000ad, all 2000+ progs. And for a
short wh...
9 hours ago
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