Last issue, Grendel summoned up the dire-imp that's been trailing him this entire series. In this issue the Devil comes face to face with a demon.
The demon, trapped in a circle, spits out strings of profanity as Grendel stands by in (rarely seen) awe. Grendel regains his composure and asks the demon a simple question: "Why?"
Grendel breaks the circle with his fork and the demon stings him (he's got a wicked looking scorpion tail) and we are treated to a stunning flash forward. Hunter sees scenes of the future - Christine Spar, Brian Li Sung, Eppy Thatcher, Orion Assante, Grendel Prime, pretty much his whole legacy.
If those names don't mean anything to you, don't worry, we'll cover them later when we get through the Hunter Rose era.
Lucas and Liz screw - "like...going for broke."
So, Hunter has been shown his future - and he realizes he is not a spectacular outlier in the scope of humanity, he's actually a part of the norm. He disregards that, his ego winning out, and goes about destroying the pages in his journal that chronicle this whole experience.
Now, this issue is a joy for anyone who has followed this character for the past 25 years. I fell in love with Grendel when I was 15 and on a whim bought a copy of Grendel: Primer. It introduced me to a world I found both mysterious and fascinating. This book has that same feel. If you've never read the Comico series, this issue will probably leave you scratching your head. But, fear not, all your questions will be answered - just stay tuned.
One more issue to go - no more monkey on the Devil's back. We'll wrap this series up next time. Until then, happy reading.
Credit: Written by - Matt Wagner
Art by - Matt Wagner
Slipping away from the Seto Thargo
It was nice while it lasted. A few years ago, I achieved a life-long goal
of collecting every single issue of 2000ad, all 2000+ progs. And for a
short wh...
9 hours ago
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