So, last issue Grendel and Argent fought and Lucas figured out that Hunter Rose is Grendel. Blood was spilled, money was lost and secrets were revealed. And still, the Devil feels someone watching his every move.
This issue opens with Grendel and his import broker (insert drug smuggler) sitting down having a rational talk about the loss of the heroine shipment at the hands of Argent. Well, the conversation is not so much rational blade point. And with some threats to the broker's family thrown in for effect. Long story short, the Devil want the Koreans to pay for his loss - in either money or blood.
On the other side of town, the only remaining witness to the dock side attack ends up dying in front of Liz after ground glass is placed in his food. No more witness. Lucas does more digging into Hunter Rose's past - and comes up with nothing.
The Koreans set up a drop for the money and Grendel heads to the appointed meeting place. Upon entering the room, Grendel knows something isn't right and we are treated to our broker with a hole in his chest and a ticking briefcase.
Boom - Grendel, blown out of the window in the nick of time, goes back into the building to survey the scene and finds tiny three toed footprints in the blood.
Another great issue in a constantly awesome series. All the players are being set up for an awesome fight next issue. Kind of can't wait until tomorrow - until then, happy reading.
Credits: Writer - Matt Wagner
Art - Matt Wagner
Slipping away from the Seto Thargo
It was nice while it lasted. A few years ago, I achieved a life-long goal
of collecting every single issue of 2000ad, all 2000+ progs. And for a
short wh...
9 hours ago
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