Art by: Chris Sprouse and Gary Frank
At the end of last issue, we were introduced to Tom and Ingrid's son, Albrecht. Ingrid stole some of Tom's genetic material during their first meeting and had Albrecht, who she raised as a Nazi.
Now, Tom and Albrecht are introduced; Tom tells Albrecht there is a better way of thinking and Albrecht punches him in the face. They scrap and Tom decides to try another route. The look into the Time Viewer...
... and the year is 2050; Tom is in stasis recovery and Albrecht shows up to menace Millennium City. Tesla, Tom's daughter, goes out to take care of her half-brother. They fight and the match is a draw until Tom shows up- and he's pissed. Tom and Albrecht fight and the Strongmen of America come to Tom's aid. Something is said about Saveen being dead for 80 years and Tom takes Albrecht back to the Stronghold to be rehabilitated...
... and in the present it's revealed that Saveen is really dead and the man in front of Tom is Denby Jilks, master of disguise! Ingrid gets pissed, takes her son and is about to leave when who should show up but Dhula - and she's pissed. She beats the stuffing out of Ingrid and tells her never to show her face in Millennium City again.
Story ends with Tom's 100th birthday celebration.
I really enjoyed the way these last couple of issues were set up. The story in a story plotting was done very well. Added a lot of dimension and history to a kind of young (in terms of number of issues) character. Chris' art is great as usual and Gary Frank draws some wicked left hooks. All around nice ending to the first multi issues arc.
Buy it here - and happy readings.
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