Art by: Chris Sprouse
This second issues tells the tale of the return of the Modular Man, a villain Tom fought in the 80's, who is capable of regenerating himself through just a single tiny robot. Tom's on Venus, so Tesla ends up dealing with him after some enthusiastic science minded children download his schematics off the Internet. The fist piece they build, builds another then those 2 build 2 more and it keeps going like this until they take up a whole street block.
Then the "Ego" nodes switch on and the Modular Man is capable of speech (he's really a mouth on the side of a high rise). Tesla and company are unable to due anything, so Tom comes back to save the day as only he knows how. He dives into the mouth of the beast, where is poses a novel solution.
I love the ending to this story; a nice comment on beauty in general. The at is fantastic - Chris really does a fine job with these characters. I think Tom is a nice refreshing version of what a science hero should be. Brains always win out over fists.
This is a good jumping on point for new readers as we haven't gotten that far into this series - Tom's rogue's galley is kind of sparse. Get it here and enjoy it. Until tomorrow, happy reading.
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