Art by: Guy Davis
Terror still stalks the streets as the Tarantula's kidnapping spree continues.
This issue opens with Detective Burke investigating an abandoned warehouse - and who should turn up but the Sandman. They fight; Burke gets gassed and Wesley takes a shot to the head. Back at the Dodd's residence, Dian comes calling in the dead of the night. She and Wes talk - a joke is made and she leave.
Cut to more torture scenes (the art is awesomely gruesome).
Wes finds out the accountant who hid assets for the out of business milk company and interrogates him. He find out that the current owner is the son of none other that known bootlegger and all around not-so-nice guy, Al Goldman. Burke shows up too late - throws down his hat - everyone laughs.
The story then moves into the Goldman house where we see that Al and his daughter, Celia, are more than just father and daughter.
The issue closes with Celia being kidnapped by the Tarantula.
This is another fine chapter in this series. I was thinking on the drive home today about what it was that drew me to this series in the first place. I know right off the bat it had something to o with Matt Wagner. I love his story telling . It's always so tight. This series, so far, has been plotted a lot like a Raymond Chandler novel. Good stuff. Guy Davies continues to add his very distinct style to this title. It feels scratchy, like old film.
Busy at home, sorry I missed a couple days. Wedding bells and all. Well, until next time - happy reading.
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