Art by: Chris Sprouse and Arthur Adams
It's a sleepy morning in the Stronghold when Tom Strong receives a mysterious package saying something about an anniversary. He looks to Dhula and wonders "is today our anniversary?" The still of the morning is interrupted by machine gun fire from incoming biplanes. And this is one reason I love Tom Strong - such unbelievable events are common place, mundane, and happen everyday. No one is surprised the Stronghold is under attack; Tom just springs into action.
As the story moves along, we learn of an adversary of Tom's that was thought to be dead a long time ago - Ingrid Weiss. A flashback ensues, telling the tale of Tom's fist meeting with Ingrid during WWII (illustrated by Arthur Adams - who is one of my favorite comic artists). Flash forward to the present - Tom is hanging out of one of the biplanes, tailing the other one back to Ingrid's liar. Ingrid is there, she and Tom exchange words, the floor opens, tachyons, "So long, Tom Strong."
I love a good cliffhanger. This issue is further proof of the genius of Tom Strong. Brilliant use of flashback makes Ingrid feel like a fully developed character. Kicking female Nazi ass is almost as good as kicking Nazi raptor ass. Chris' art is, once again, top notch. But Arthur Adam's is better. He'll turn up again on Four Color Crusader.
Tom Strong is a refreshing return to form for Alan Moore and friends. No complicated, multi part mega crossovers; just a good clean science fiction / adventure book. Like a breath of fresh air.
I highly recommend this title to anyone sick of Blackest Night or Dark Reign / Siege; get it from MyComicShop.
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