Art by: Kieron Dwyer and Dennis Jenke
So we last left Batman in a cemetery full zombies and the Riddler still had three babies held hostage. Bats fights the zombies and realizes all but one are robots. Before Batman can interogate the thug, the Riddler sets off a tiny bomb embedded in his henchman's neck. No more henchman.
The Riddler doesn't normally act like this (his death toll is usually low) and Batman knows it too. He knows the Riddler is just playing with him. In the cemetary, our hero finds the second baby alive and a riddle...
...Back in 1764, a botched sacrifice occurs in what would be modern day Gotham....
... Our hero figures out the riddle, which leads him under the streets of Gotham where the Riddler has endangered another life. He's stuck a pin-pong ball down one of the babies' throats and it's up to Batman to perform emergency surgery to save a life. And the issue ends.
Again, this story never misses a step. The timing is right on, the art is simple and refreshing, and the story is full of twists. I'd recommend these issues to anyone.
Come back tomorrow and find how steady Batman's hand is and why the Riddler is acting so weird . Until then, happy reading.
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