Our tale of the Devil continues as he faces off against his life long enemy - Argent the wolf. Grendel gets that funny feeling again, like he's being watched - when out of the shadows leaps the Wolf. They fight on the roof tops, the Devil toying with Argent...all the while quoting Shelly, Blake and Dante.
Awesome fight scene - best of the series so far.
Our reporter friend Lucas witnesses the entire fight and the aftermath (Argent rips apart Grendel's men handling the heroine shipment) and, In fear heads to Liz's apartment where they discus who is the worse monster - the Devil or the Wolf.
We are then treated to a walk in the park with Hunter and Stacy - a rare contemplative moment. But this time out leads the Devil to a decisive confrontation between himself and the Koreans (who were unable to protect his cargo).
The issue ends with Lucas finally connecting the dots and realizing Hunter Rose and Grendel are one in the same.
The book took me 7 minutes to read - I kid you not. They move at almost breakneck speed...and I think I love the ride. Matt's art is phenomenal - some of the most interesting panel layouts I've seen in while. But his trademarks are still there too.
I have to keep saying this - if you've never read Grendel, this series is the perfect place to start.
Credits - Written by Matt Wagner
Art by Matt Wagner
Slipping away from the Seto Thargo
It was nice while it lasted. A few years ago, I achieved a life-long goal
of collecting every single issue of 2000ad, all 2000+ progs. And for a
short wh...
7 hours ago