Art by: Tom Raney and Andrew Pepoy
The parade of weird versions of characters I know continues in this flaming piece of junk. And who else gets paraded out but every ones over rated mutant bad boy, Wolverine. I went through a phase where I was into this character - somewhere between 9th and 10th grade. As I aged, I found I liked my superheroes a little less beserker and a bit more cerebral.
This issue opens with Havok wondering the snowy wilderness mumbling about how some has "taken them all"... and this issue get worse from here. Turns out we are at war with Canada (which is the only novel idea in this book) and the Six get shot down in Canadian airspace. But, honestly Howard Mackie - war with Canada? This new world is so crazy.
Blurry images run across the page, the Brute goes crazy and the Pack shows up - Wildchild, Sabertooth and Wolverine. Havok blasts them and this revels a cave entrance. Havok blows the door out and reveals...you guessed it - the Weapon X facility. Alpha Flight shows up, tells off the Six (something like "Stay out of Canada, jerks) and the Six go on their way.
What a waste of a couple trees. The art is in line with Pepoy's standard fare - nothing new here. The story is cookie cutter at best. If memory serves me correctly, this series gets better down the road. Stick with it, there are a couple memorable issues in this series. Until tomorrow - happy reading.
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